Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

An evidence based approach to help improve symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Gut directed hypnotherapy can improve the communication between your brain and gut to provide long-term relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It can be used alongside or instead of dietary and medical management. Find out more..

If you are unsure whether gut directed hypnotherapy is for you, we have produced a short video explaining how it can help you take control of your IBS symptoms and the science behind the gut-brain axis:

‘I still have some trigger foods and intolerances, however when those are not present in my diet, my symptoms have greatly improved’

‘I thought the course was excellent and has helped me to be more relaxed and less hard on myself about my symptoms. My gut is still very sensitive but I feel less stressed about that’.

‘This course has been such a brilliant asset to me and my health, both physical and mental. It has helped me a lot with anxiety and stress from both everyday occurrences and related to my gut health. The sessions and the practice have helped me become more aware of my whole body inside and out and allowed me to take time to completely relax and listen to my body. (It) has helped me immensely to not panic and make my flair ups and symptoms worse. I’ve spent so many years feeling like I’ve been losing control of my own body and this has truly helped me regain so much of that control.’

    ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. Hypnotherapy gives me a wonderful feeling of calm. I love that I can take myself off to thoroughly relax when I acknowledge that I am in a bit of a tizz. I often do it in the evening to wipe away the day’s anxiety. I feel more relaxed about the IBS and try not to let it become a ‘thing’.

    ‘No hesitation ( recommend the course), is an absolute benefit for stressful lives and dealing with bowel and food sensitivity problems. It calms you down and gives you time out which is much needed. It is like pressing reset for the system’
    ‘Very glad I completed the course. I was sceptical as to the outcome, however, I am definitely in a much better place now with my gut health’
    ”I had the pleasure of working with Hannah and Liane during 2022 for gut directed hypnotherapy. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and learnt how to relax and concentrate for the moment only. I felt it worked really well for my tummy pain and loose bowels, I personally followed alongside a brief change in diet. I would highly recommend gut directed hypnotherapy with Hannah and Liane for anyone suffering with stomach issues’

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